Salons Carlos Quinto

Venue in Ghent

The search for a suitable party location can sometimes take some time. Finding a unique location in the centre of Ghent for all your parties and seminars is possible. Carlos Quinto is a unique venue in Ghent that is interesting for parties, receptions, walking dinners, and seminars.

The one and only venue in Ghent is called Carlos Quinto.

If you are looking for a venue in Ghent, Carlos Quinto is the right place for you. Two stylish mansions in the heart of Ghent can accommodate up to 200 guests. Walking dinner is the specialty, but there is also a wide choice of buffets and menus. When the weather is nice, it is pleasant to stay on the inner terrace for a reception, dinner or barbecue. The menu includes a seasonal menu, a tasting menu, and a weekly menu. With a unique infrastructure, both small and large parties can take place in Carlos Quinto, a highly recommended venue in Ghent, also for your wedding. With a lot of experience and professionalism, everything is managed in the right way and quality is delivered. Depending on the need, the venue can be reserved for a shorter or longer period. This makes the venue the ideal location for your wedding.

A venue in Ghent that is personalized

Finding the right venue in Ghent can be an added value for your event. Each venue offers a unique setting for each event and wedding. It is often possible to determine the layout, decoration and decoration yourself. Various factors influence the choice of venue. Including the region, the number of expected guests, the presence of sleeping accommodations, a DJ, a caterer, a garden terrace. Furthermore, the occasion can also be decisive, such as a wedding party, a communion or spring party, a company party, a seminar, a meeting, a coffee table, a reception, an anniversary, a birthday party, a christening party, a baby shower, a gala ball, a party, or a performance. But also in terms of style, such as rustic, classic, modern, farm, castle, parish hall, boat, or meeting room. A unique event such as a wedding is a special location.

A venue in Ghent for a successful party

A venue in Ghent is interesting for several reasons. There are many events to experience in the city. The big folk festival the Gentse Feesten is best known there. But there are also the Floralies Ghent, Film Festival Ghent, Light Festival Ghent, 10 Days Off, and OdeGand. In addition, there is always something to do and discover in this vibrant historic city full of cultural buildings and architectural gems. A venue in Ghent with historical value located in the city centre is perfect for a reception, business lunches, dinners, or walking dinners, and various events such as a wedding. Carlos Quinto fits in perfectly with this with her professional room rental in Ghent.

Visit Carlos Quinto's cosy restaurant and tea room, as well as its unique venue and well-equipped meeting room in Ghent. You can go there for the professional organisation of every party, reception, seminar, and extensive lunch options and group menus for groups. Contact us for a quick reservation if you are looking for a restaurant for groups in Ghent.

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